A daily gridded precipitation dataset covering a period of more than 50 years was created by collecting and analyzing rain-gauge observation data across Asia through the activities of the Asian Precipitation-Highly Resolved Observational Data Integration Towards Evaluation of the Water Resources (APHRODITE) project. APHRODITE’s daily gridded precipitation is presently the only long-term continental-scale high-resolution daily product.
To develop long-term daily grid precipitation and temperature datasets from rain-gauge observation records over Asia by international collaborations with local meteorological/hydrological agencies and researchers.
Enhancement of quality control algorithm develops APHRODITE product the only Asian precipitation and temperature products highly resolved in time and space.
We developed and released daily precipitation data on a 0.25/0.5-degree grid for Asia (APHRO_MA/ME/RU_V1101R1) for the period 1951-2007 and daily mean temperature product (AphroTemp_V1204R1) for the period 1961-2007. They are the only long-term continental-scale daily grid precipitation and temperature data for Asia and include data from many rain-gauge stations.
We developed and released daily precipitation data on a 0.05-degree grid for Japan (APHRO_JP_V1207) for the period 1900-2011. A version that uses constant input data was also released, and this “Japan analysis” is used to study the long-term change of extreme events.
We give feedback to data providers by providing a 0.05-degree version of the dataset of each country/domain and we held a training seminar. We have received feedback from users through our website and an international session of the Japan Geophysical Union meeting held in May 2010.
APHRODITE’s daily gridded precipitation and temperature is the only long-term (1951 onward) continental-scale daily product that contains a dense network of daily rain-gauge data for Asia including the Himalayas, South and Southeast Asia and mountainous areas in the Middle East. Our number of valid stations was between 5000 and 12,000, representing 2.3 to 4.5 times the data available through the Global Telecommunication System network, which were used for most daily grid precipitation products. The product contributes to studies such as the diagnosis of climate changes, evaluation of Asian water resources, statistical downscaling, forecast improvements, and verification of numerical model simulation and satellite precipitation estimates.
The data are available free of charge and are easy for GrADS and netCDF users to handle. We attach information of the density of station data on each grid for each day with the daily precipitation and temperature product, so that users know whether a grid box is close to an observation point or has an interpolated value. Therefore, APHRODITE precipitation data can be used as a benchmark for various estimations of gridded precipitation.